Red Kite Challenge

Kettering , Northampthonshire

Plant me a tree with Trees Not Tees (this does not replace your medal - this is in addition)

As part of our partnership with Trees Not Tees you can help "offset" the cost of your medal, drink and flapjack by paying to plant a tree in a Scottish woodland! Trees Not Tees have land in the UK, and are planting a native forest of oak, birch, rowan and alder. They've got a certified planting scheme and always plant the right tree in the right place. Once they have planted the tree they will send a certificate via email to you with a picture of your young tree, details of the species of tree they have planted and a geo-location address on what3words. More information from Trees Not Tees can be found at ***You can select to donate the cost of your medal, drink and flapjack (and go without these ) this option is to have your medal, drink and flapjack and in addition donate £5 for a tree to be planted. Your donation will be passed to Trees Not Tees after the event you are signing up to with the other donations from this event.