Intro to Cold Water Swimming: River Location

Introduction to open water swimming: River location


Open water swimming is all about the experience, the joy of being in the great outdoors and sharing the adventure with others. During the winter months , it is less about swimming for exercise more about enjoying being immersed in nature, enjoying the mental and physical benefits of cold water. But also in summer it is important to understand the risks, how to stay safe and how to get the most of your swimming. The aim is this Introduction session is to give you confidence and the skills needed to swim in open water whether it be at a managed venue or wilder location. 


These sessions are designed to improve your knowledge of swimming in open water safely and build your confidence and enjoyment in colder water. They will last around 2 hours. The time we spend in the water depends on the group, the conditions and will be measured in minutes at this time of year. You must be confident to be able to swim more than 200m in a swimming pool. Choose to swim either with a wetsuit or not. They are not compulsory. 


Whilst there are many benefits to being in cold water there are also risks which can include the affects of a rise in blood pressure such as heart attack. If you have any concerns regarding your health and level of fitness please get in touch with us and/or speak to your doctor. 


The session is subject to weather and water conditions. We will inform you asap if we need to postpone the session and offer a new date. 



Cost: £47.43

Sessions can only run with sufficient numbers - so bring a friend!


Full details including kit list will be send on confirmation of your booking


What to expect: 


  • welcome & safety briefing
  • how to judge conditions, getting in and out
  • staying safe in cold water
  • entering the water for the first time, acclimatisation and awareness
  • how long is long enough
  • benefits of cold water to mental and physical well-being
  • what to wear when, putting on a wetsuit
  • warm up with a hot drink and cake 
  • if you choose to come along with us to the seaside - knowledge of tides, currents, why the weather is even more important. 


The session is led by highly qualified & fully insured open water swimming coaches and lifeguards Jude Palmer (Run Surrey Hills) and Paul Mackenzie (Adventure Swims)


Jude and Paul have years of experience swimming in the sea, rivers and lakes around the world and taking part in swimming, triathlon and swimrun events not to mention simply enjoying bobbing around in water. Please get in touch if you have any questions. 


(please note that no refunds or transfers to other dates will be given if you cancel your place less than 72hrs before the course, except in exceptional circumstances. If you can find someone to take your place, let us know)


Intro to Cold Water Swimming: River Location Intro to Cold Water

  • n/a

    Introduction to Cold Water Swimming - April 2024

