London Marathon - Volunteering


Want to join the best baggage team in the business at the LONDON MARATHON on April 21st?

We need 30 volunteers in total.

Please consider signing up – especially if you have not done it before, it’s hard work but a really fun day out. As well as providing a chance to help out our fellow runners, we also get a bit of cash, we also get a guaranteed place for the following year’s London marathon, which we put into a raffle for eligible members at the Xmas Party. Oh and most importantly: you get volunteer points towards the club championship!

Transport is provided there and back as usual and you get volunteer kit (usually a jacket and T-shirt).

If you haven't volunteered before, you will need to register on another system.  Don't worry though details will be sent out explaining what you need to do shortly after you sign-up.

If you have any questions you can post them to the volunteer email: