Oldham's Toughest 10k 2022

Sunday 12h June will see our second event this year. Why not come along and join us for Oldham's Toughest 10k on our challenging course starting in Alexandra Park.


Start time 9:30am


Affiliated - £14

Unaffiliated - £16

On the day entries at no extra cost (availability dependant)

We are also able to take card payments on the day too



Alexandra Park is located in the South East of Oldham Town Centre. It is surrounded by Park Road/Queens Road, Kings Road and Alexandra Road. The address is Alexandra Park, Kings Road, Oldham, OL8 2BH
The course is accessed at the North Lodge at the main entrance to the park. The start area is at the fountain, clearly visible in the centre of the park about 5 minutes walk from the entrance.
Toilets are near the Boat House and by the playground and are open from 7.30am - 5pm (though the closing can vary with the seasons).
There are three car parks situated on Park Road (at the junction with kings road), Kings Road and Alexandra Road.