Gemma Brown

26 Mar, 2024 09:34 By:


Hi, I’m Gemma. I started running after first lockdown as I’d put on my lockdown half stone and couldn’t dance because jiving with a partner was still banned.

I thought running would be cheap and fit around my kids easily. I was half right! Five half marathons and one marathon later, and it’s definitely my thing! I’m currently training for my second marathon (with the third and fourth already booked!). And I’m a sucker for a run that ends with cake!

You’ll never find me winning a race, as I only do them as an excuse to run with my friends and find new routes (plus I love a hoodie, but hate medals!).

I absolutely LOVED the Runable Canalside Dash series this summer. Everything about the runs was awesome - from the route, to the distances, to the fab people I met doing them. Oh, and the pint and packet of crisps at the end - heaven!


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