Run to the Sea Bournemouth - bus information

27 Mar, 2024 10:23 By:

  • Check the the table below to see which number bus you are on - make a note of it 
  • Check what time you need to BOARD the bus - make a note of it
  • The journey time to the start venue is approximately 50 minutes 
  • Your bus has been allocated according to your start time so that you have enough time to register, use the loos, etc.
  • The buses are full so we are unable to make any changes to your bus allocation now
  • If for any reason there is a delay with the buses and you arrive at the start venue late, do not worry! You can just start a little later

What to do on race day:-

  • Go to the car park of your choice close to the FINISH at Hove Lawns, Hove, Brighton, BN3 2FR (note: the bus pick up is NOT at the finish - it is approximately 0.75 mile further along the coastal road - see below
  • Car Parks near to Hove Lawns – be sure to check the charges & maximum duration of your chosen car park BEFORE race day!
  • Arrive, park & make your way to the bus pick-up point, which is close to King Alfred car park, BN3 2FR (approx 0.75 mile away from the finish)
  • Make sure you arrive before your boarding time as buses will leave exactly on time and cannot wait for latecomers
  • Find your bus (there will be a numbered sign 1-3 in the window) but don't board - wait for the Crew members to check off your name
  • Wear/carry any items that you want us to transport back to the finish for you. Remember we can only accept small bags to transport back to the finish - we cannot accept suitcases
  • You will be dropped right inside Christ Hospital School (START VENUE) 
  • There are no toilets open at that time in the morning at the bus pick up point, so please be sure to find a service station or such-like before you arrive 
  • Relax & enjoy the hassle-free ride!

See you there!

The UltraViolet Team


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