How to Contact Event Participants

27 Nov, 2019 04:09 By: Nikki Hawkes

Contacting all the participants in your events can be done easily through your Eventrac platform, so that you can send important event updates done quickly and reliably. 

Step 1: Select the event you want to contact participants in

On your main dashboard, click the blue button that says ‘Manage’ on the right-hand side of the event.

Step 2: Go ‘Participants’ area and select ‘Contact all Participants’ 

Find the ‘Participants’ button on the top banner, then click on the button with the megaphone ‘Contact Participants’.

Step 3: Fill out your email header and content. 

This will send your email out in an eventrac template which will have your event logo at the top, your email content in the middle and your social links at the bottom. 

Then all you need to do is click the green ‘Send Email’ button! Your browser will then prompt you to see if you are sure you are ready to send your email. 







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