How to Apply Membership Joining and Renewal Fees

28 Nov, 2019 01:16 By: Nikki Hawkes

If you would like to apply fees to certain members upon joining or upon renewal, you can set up your eventrac platform to do so for you automatically. Simply follow these steps.

Step 1: Click on ‘Joining and Renewal Fee’s on the left-hand side of your dashboard 

Step 2: Click on ‘Add new membership extra’ on the top banner.

Here you can add the details of the fee you would like to add. Fill in the name, description and price. 

Step 3: Choose where to apply your fee 

Select which Membership Category you would like the fee to apply to by ticking the relevant boxes. Here you can choose wether this fee should be applied when they joined, or upon every renewal.

Once you are happy with this, click submit. 

Step 4: Activate, manage or delete your fee.

Once you have submitted your fee, you can edit it by using the buttons on the bottom right of the fee in the ‘All Membership Extras’ tab. 




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