How to set up Membership Categories

28 Nov, 2019 02:57 By: Nikki Hawkes

When setting up your membership options in your dashboard, you might want to consider the different options you could use to organise your member areas. Follow these steps to add membership categories:

Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Membership Categories’ section on the left-hand side of your dashboard

Step 2: Click on ‘Add new Category’ on the top banner

Here you can fill in the details of your membership, select who can view it and add approval conditions if you need to review members prior to them joining.  

Step 3: Select any restrictions that apply, or if this is a joint membership category


Here you can add restrictions around age, and select if this is applicable for joint memberships. 

Click submit once you’re done! 

Renewal Options

Once you have setup a membership category, you then need to add one or more renewal options.  Renewal options are the different ways a member can pay for their membership category i.e. You may offer a yearly payment and a monthly option. The member can then choose how they would like to pay for their membership by selecting one of the renewal options.

If you wish renewal options to be collected automatically, you should select "Yes" when asked if this is a subscription

Step 4: Add your pricing and renewal options

  • How often is membership renewed - The frequency in which payment is required
  • When is renewal due - The date payment will be asked for.  This can either be on join date or a specific day/month etc..
  • Is this a subscription - Select "Yes" if the members payment will be collected automatically.

Once you are happy with your set price and your renewal options, click ‘Save Renewal Options’.

Step 5: Activate and manage your membership


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