Encourage donations, Promote fundraising Help your event raise more money for charity

Donation and fundraising solutions integrated to your event registration process. Raise more for good causes, generate more interest in your events and generate a buzz worth talking about.

Get setup in minutes

Fundraising pages

Multiple Platforms

Select from multiple charitable giving platforms including JustGiving or EventGiving whilst keeping one single integrated user journey

Simple Analytics

Avoid using multiple systems and quickly gauge how much money your supporters are raising. View overall totals for a given event, team or participant.

Increase conversions

A one click setup process that will help increase the number of participants choosing to fundraise

Effective Communication Tools

Contact your supporters with ease with built in email marketing

Accept Donations

Pre and Post Registration

Setup donation options for your participants so they can make voluntary donations either pre or post registration.

Gift Aid

Maximise donations with the option of gift aid. A one click step in the donation process makes it easy for your supporters.

Own Place Runners

Enable your participants to run for charity

Raise the profile and credibility of your event by association with recognised charities and allow your entrants to raise funds. for those good causes

Setup “Own Place Runner” charity fundraising for entrants. During registration automatically provide entrants wishing to raise funds for a good cause with a range of charities to choose from.

Ready to get started?

Create an account now

Create An Event
Create An Event

Switching from another system?

We have easy to use migration tools and a great team of experts that will assist with your Eventrac account setup and help transfer all of your existing event data.

Eventrac has been designed from the ground up to be intuitive and easy to use, but one of our experts is always on hand to walk through and discuss the Eventrac platform, share industry tips, tricks and insights. We offer far more than just a software platform.