Cookie Policy

Eventrac has a Cookie policy. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by a website on your device. Cookies can hold information about you preferences and other information that you need when you vist a site. We use cookies to improve your website browsing experience by storing information and avoiding repeating requests for you to input the same data on multiple occasions. Cookies come in two types and are known as either persistent or session cookies. A persistent cookie has a set expiry date and will remain valid until that date is reached (unless deleted by the user earlier); a session cookie expires when the user closes their computer’s web browser.

If you would like further information about our Cookie policy and how we use these please contact us.

You can, of course, refuse to accept or block certain cookies and computer browsers have different ways of doing this.

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Switching from another system?

We have easy to use migration tools and a great team of experts that will assist with your Eventrac account setup and help transfer all of your existing event data.

Eventrac has been designed from the ground up to be intuitive and easy to use, but one of our experts is always on hand to walk through and discuss the Eventrac platform, share industry tips, tricks and insights. We offer far more than just a software platform.