Introducing A Time Saving Automation Of British Triathlon's New Race Pass
eventrac’s integration with British Triathlon allows you to easily sell and manage the purchase, transfer and refund of the new single-use Race Pass

You are probably already aware that British Triathlon made an important announcement that they would be replacing the Day Membership with their new Race Pass.
This announcement outlined several process changes for organisers of BT-permitted events.
You'll be pleased to read that BT's new Race Pass process has been automated for you, eliminating any additional admin effort and reducing your workload compared to the old system.
Click here to watch a short video that explains those changes
What Is Changing?
The Race Pass (replacing Day Membership) is a British Triathlon membership product.
All participants who enter a race at a permitted event must be a Core or Ultimate British Triathlon member or purchase a BT Race Pass.
A Race Pass includes:
- A race licence
- Membership to the sport on the day of the event
- Third-party public liability insurance
There are two types of Race Pass:
- Adult Race Pass
- Children & Young Persons Race Pass
What Does This Mean For Event Organisers?
As part of the changes introduced, BT requires all event organisers to change the way financial information and participant data are shared with them.
These can be summarised as follows:
When a participant buys a BT Race Pass, the money must be sent directly, in real-time to BT
When a participant buys a BT Race Pass, the following information must be shared in real-time with BT:
- First Name
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- Postcode
- Event Date
- Event Name
- Race Name/Type
- Date and time of purchase
- Marketing preferences
How Has The Process Been Automated?
The good news is that eventrac has been working on a solution to automate the process so that there is no additional administration for event organisers using the eventrac platform. In fact, it will be easier than ever to manage an event that is affiliated with BT.
Click here to watch a short video that explains those changes
Split Payments
The biggest change we have made is splitting payments when a participant enters your race and buys a BT Race Pass.
In simple terms, money for the event entry and any merchandise you are selling will continue to come directly to your payment account. Money for the Race Pass will go directly in real-time to BT.
This means that you are not handling money on behalf of BT and do not have to worry about chargebacks on the race pass because any refunds come directly from the BT account.
Easy Refunds and Transfers
If you need to refund a Race Pass, you can perform the refund on behalf of BT within your eventrac dashboard. This means that the money is reversed from the BT account. BT can also manage this process if the participant were to contact them directly.
Similarly, if a participant wishes to transfer to a new race, the Race Pass will follow them to the new entry. This can either be performed by you or if you enable self-managing entries, by the participants themselves.
Auto Transfer of Data
To keep admin to an absolute minimum for you, when a participant enters one of your BT-affiliated events and buys a Race Pass, eventrac will automatically send the necessary details directly to BT. This will prevent you from having to share data or send unnecessary and time-consuming emails.
To ensure that you have all the information you need on the day of the event, you will clearly see if a participant has purchased a Race Pass, either in your eventrac admin system or from the check-in app.
One Click Setup
Enabling the above is simply a case of clicking one checkbox on your race setup. Then simply navigate to a race and enable the BT affiliation. We take care of the rest for you.
Click here to watch a short video that explains those changes