
4 Post-Event Participant Engagement Ideas That Work

Your work isn’t over when the last participant crosses the line, it’s just getting started.

We all know that the work doesn’t stop when the final participant crosses the line. In reality, if you want your customers to return and refer your event to their friends and family you need a post-event engagement plan that works.

Those days immediately after your event are a golden window of opportunity to retain your customers and turn them into loyal ambassadors who will help spread the word about your events and brand.

Here are Four Easy Post-Event Ideas you can try to keep your participants coming back for more.  

1. Send a post-event survey 

A post-event survey within 12 hours after your event perhaps is the simplest way to show you care and measure participant satisfaction or lack of it.

eventrac has a free review and feedback feature and seamless integration with Racecheck and our inbuilt email automation makes sending a pre-scheduled post-race review request to every participant quick and easy.

TOP-TIP  You could offer an incentive such as a discount code to increase your survey participation levels

See more about Review and Feedback messages

Check out our Racecheck integration

2. Reward your participants' loyalty

Your participants deserve more than a quick thank-you email. eventrac lets you easily Identify your most frequent returners and referrers so you can show them that you really appreciate their loyalty by giving them something of actual value. This can be a gift card or a discount code they can use to enter one of your races or redeem when they buy merchandise from you.

TIP if you want to stand out from the crowd try sending your most loyal customer referrers a handwritten thank-you card with a gift card inside.

Read 5 ways gift cards benefit sports event organisers

See how incentive referral marketing could help you grow your events 

3. Get active Blogging and Vlogging

Blogs and vlogs are common pre-event marketing tools but they’re also just as effective afterwards. In the days following your event, ramp up your posts; you’ll have plenty of content to share

Some stuff to include in your blog or vlog for post-event engagement includes:

  • A thank you message to everyone

  • A collection of testimonials and event highlights

  • A post-event offer exclusive to participants

If you partnered with a charity, highlight the successes and continue to encourage donations.

Of course, you can post all of the above on your social media, but by doubling up on a blog and or vlog you can go into greater depth with your customers.

4. Host a social media contest

Some of your participants will experience post-event blues. So don’t let their fun stop after the event. Try a social media contest with a prize for the winner. 

Keep it simple. Perhaps a funny photo or caption contest using a pic taken during the event using your event hashtag. The winner can be the one that gets the most votes or likes. The entries will virally spread your event and brand to a wider audience

TOP-TIP - Send a marketing email to all participants announcing the winner as well as those that came in second and third and make sure every participant gets a time-limited discount code as a consolation prize. Don't pass up this nurturing opportunity!

Read more about using eventrac's FREE email marketing to boost your customer loyalty

Now, give these post-event engagement ideas a try

Your post-event engagement work will help you maintain a connection with your participants who otherwise might be persuaded by one of your competitors 

Schedule a chat with us or a demo to learn more about how eventrac’s automated online tools and processes will help retain your participants and encourage them to spread the word for you.